After seeing the doctor we were again sent to the ultrasound technician to get the babies' heartbeats. Baby A's heart was beating 156 bpm, and Baby B's was beating 145 bpm. We also learned that the babies had shifted positions slightly. Baby A was head down in the center of my uterus, and Baby B was lying cross-wise at Baby A's feet forming the top part of a "T." The babies were pretty active, flexing their little spines and moving their arms.
The most exciting part of the ultrasound, though, was getting to take a look at the babies' genders! With our first two pregnancies we had decided pretty firmly against finding out, but I guess there's something about having two that made us change our minds this time around! And the results?!?!...
...I wish I could say! The ultrasound technician felt pretty confident about Baby B but not as sure about Baby A. She did say what she thought she was seeing but told us not to hold her to it just yet. So... stay tuned! Our next appointment and first big ultrasound when they'll do all the measurements is scheduled for February 6th! The ultrasound will actually be done by the "high risk" doctors who work alongside my OB group. We're praying that day will bring good reports on the growth and development of our babies--and we're hoping for confirmation on the genders, too!
I can't tell you what an amazing privilege and blessing it is to be carrying twins. With every trip to the bathroom, with every glance in the mirror, with every minor discomfort, with every kick, poke, twist and turn, I am reminded of God's sovereignty, His goodness, and His promises. What an absolute privilege and blessing it is to be carrying these two children whom God has known from before there was time.
I can't wait to hear the news, Angela! How amazing this is!
i know exactly how you feel!!!!! i am still amazed at how perfectly healthy the boys from one egg came two beautiful, whole, not lacking anything, babies! God is amazing! we were the same way when it came to finding out the sexes of the twins. we had to know...only to prepare ourselves for this adventure!
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