I've never really been nervous about an ultrasound before, but having recently heard stories of friends and others who have received not-so-good news at their ultrasounds, I was a little more aware of all the things that could potentially be unfavorable. And having two babies, it seems to make sense that the chance of unfavorable news is doubled.
However, as we acknowledged to God in prayer this morning before leaving for our appointment, God has heard our prayers. The health and development of both babies looked great! Both are weighing in at 12 oz., and all other measurements are right on track with our June 19th due date. Furthermore, there was nothing in either baby that created a cause for concern. Thank You, God, for hearing our prayers!
During the 90-minute ultrasound we got to hear the babies' heartbeats--both at 155 bpm--and to see a lot of movements such as stretching, rolling, waving, and kicking. What was really cool was to be able to see the movements corresponding to what I was feeling. We also learned that the babies' positions haven't changed since last month: they are still in a "T" position, with Baby A being head down in the center and Baby B lying transverse at Baby A's feet.
And, of course, we also had the ultrasound technician take a look at the babies' genders! So after holding out on everyone for the last four weeks in hopes of having the results confirmed, I can now excitedly say that God has given us TWO GIRLS!!!
We saw the doctor after the ultrasound, and he confirmed that the babies looked great. At 21 weeks pregnant my uterus is now measuring 25 cm, and my blood pressure and weight gain are good. I did find out that once I hit about 28 weeks I will no longer be allowed to exercise. I was somewhat disappointed to hear that since I want to be in the best physical condition to potentially face labor, but I'm sure this is an area in which I will heed the doctor's advice. :-)
I also questioned the doctor about bed rest (since that term is almost synonymous with "twins") and was happy to hear that it is only ordered in cases where the babies' growth or pre-term labor is a problem. He said that not even 50% of women having twins are put on bed rest.
The last bit of good news was the doctor's acknowledgment of how well I do with my pregnancies. Because of this, my appointments will continue at four-week intervals for two more months, after which time I will start going every two weeks. And for the purpose of monitoring the babies' growth, I will be having regular ultrasounds, as well.
So, check back again four weeks from today for news from our 25-week OB appointment and ultrasound!
Again I say, praise God for the favorable results we received today! We know that these babies inside my womb are His handiwork, and what a neat thing it is to see that work being completed and perfected before our eyes.
Hey Congrats on the progress of your pregnancy! And Praise God for more little girls! I'm glad to see that everything is going well and they are showing healthy signs of growth! :D
Thanks, Elaine! We are so blessed and excited!
What exciting news! It must be so different carrying twins. I've often wondered what it would be like - but considering how much my ribs burn carrying one baby - I'm not sure I want to find out! ha!
That's so neat that you are being blessed with 2 girlies. That makes 3 right? You'll have lots of helpers someday. :) Although boys can be a pretty big help too, especially when the boy is the oldest.
Have a blessed Sunday Angela. I'm praising God with you that you received such good news.
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