Our ultrasound revealed only good news! Both babies looked great, with Baby A weighing 3 lbs. 10 oz. and Baby B weighing 4 lbs. 2 oz. Their measurements put them both within a week of their estimated due date and within days of each other, indicating that they are both growing well. They remain in their same "T" position (Baby A is vertex and Baby B is transverse at Baby A's feet), although Baby B has once again done a 180 degree turn. They say Baby A's head is really low and even asked me if I'm feeling a lot of pressure (and I'm not). We were also able to see that my cervix is still long and of a very normal length for 32 weeks.
The consultation with the perinatologist was also reassuring. She was very pleased with the results of the ultrasound and even made the comment, "You're not going to have these babies early...." Even though the ultrasound showed that the babies are thriving, she told us to start doing fetal kick counts every day. Basically, each baby has to move ten times within two hours. So far, both babies have been passing the test within 10-15 minutes. I must say, though, it's a little tricky knowing which baby to attribute some of the movements to!
My obstetrician was also very pleased with the results of the ultrasound. When he looked at the summary, he said, "Those are really good numbers. Really good." And when I told him I'm still not having any issues with contractions, he enthusiastically said, "You're going to do this, girl! Three more weeks. Gotta get three more weeks... at least." My total weight gain is up to 35 lbs. (the total amount I gained with both Abel and Amariah), and although six of that happened in the past week and a half (yikes!), the doctor said I'm right on track. My uterus was measuring 38 cm (at 32 weeks), making me officially bigger than I was when I delivered Amariah at 39 weeks 4 days.
The last appointment of the morning was the first of my routine non-stress tests. In order to pass the test, both babies needed to have two heart rate accelerations of 15 bpm lasting 15 seconds each within a 20-minute time frame. Both babies did great, and I was sent home after only 30 minutes of monitoring.
We continue to give God the glory for the health of our babies and for the endurance of my body in carrying them. It has now been over four weeks since preterm labor symptoms first sent me to Labor & Delivery, and today Momma and babies are still going strong! Praise God!
Praise the Lord! I loved reading your update! Isn't it amazing what God does through prayer?! I'll continue praying for you during the rest of your pregnancy.
Wonderful news! I'm praising the Lord with you too...and, of course, continuing to pray for a healthy and safe delivery after the three weeks are up!
There are times when God makes it so obvious that He is at work, and I just love that.
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