Travis and I went home from that OB appointment praying that the results of the urinalysis would provide a clear indication of whether or not we should prolong the pregnancy. When the results came back the next day, we recognized that our prayer had been answered. I believe the doctor's exact words were, "Angela, you have way way way way too much protein in your urine. These babies need to be delivered." With a surprising amount of peace, I responded, "Okay, we'll see you in the morning."
With about 16 hours remaining before the time of my scheduled cesarean, I continued to believe that God would cause my labor to start within that time if it was His will for me to avoid the surgery. Despite my fears about the surgery itself, I knew that I needed to trust in Him.
That night I managed to get about three hours of sleep. My restlessness wasn't so much due to anxious thoughts as it was to the discomforts of being 37 weeks pregnant with twins. At 4:30 a.m. I finally accepted the fact that I wasn't going to get any more sleep and crawled out of bed to start my day. What a weird feeling it was to know that I was getting ready to go deliver my babies.
About four hours later I walked into the big and brightly lit operating room. Men and women all dressed in blue were scattered throughout the room preparing for the procedure at hand. When I saw the familiar face of my doctor I told him I was scared, and he stayed right by my side while the anesthesiologist administered my spinal. Once I was totally prepped for surgery, the anesthesiologist told my doctor to start making the incision before having my husband brought in. I felt the tugging at my abdomen begin, and moments later my husband's loving eyes met mine.
The tugging continued as I tried not to think about what was happening to my body. Then came my doctor's voice from the other side of the blue drape. "Angela! You have a hole in your uterus!" "Yeah? I could feel the tugging," I replied. "No... you have a hole in your uterus before I made an incision. The only thing holding those babies in is the amniotic sac." At once my husband and I knew what he was saying, and with tears streaming from my eyes, I looked up at him and whispered, "God knew. Praise God, because He knew." Travis closed his eyes, and I could see the emotion on his face.
Not too much later we heard the cry of the first baby followed by that of the second a couple minutes later. My husband left my side to be with the babies and to take pictures while the doctor sewed me back up. When the doctor was finished, he came around to my side of the drape, eyes wide with an emotion I can't describe, and said, "Your old scar was completely separated. If you would have labored or your water would have broken, we would have probably lost you both." He went on to say, "That scar should not be tested again. There is virtually nothing left to the bottom of your uterus. The lining down there is as thin as cellophane. I repaired it and double stitched it, but that scar should not be tested again."
Those of you who know me or who have been reading my blog know that I prayed for months that I would be able to avoid having a repeat cesarean section. I never knew whether that was God's will, but I did know that His purpose would prevail; and I prayed unceasingly that whatever the outcome, God would be glorified. Though I believe I had truly surrendered my desire for a VBAC to Him, I think it seemed from my human perspective that God would be best glorified by doing the impossible and answering my prayer. Instead, God has glorified Himself through what appears to be an unanswered prayer. He did not grant me my desire for a VBAC because He knew what the consequences of that would be. It is in this unanswered prayer that the extent of God's mercy and love is more real to me than ever before.
Still, nine days later, all I can say is, "Praise God, because He knew...."
Angela,...God loves you so much and He certainly knew all that could have happened,..but He was in control,...and He took care of you and spared your life and the babies! I am praising God with you!
This is an amazing story. I am so glad that you and the babies are ok.
Linda Q @ Truthful Tidbits
Angela, this is incredible! God certainly had his hand on you and the babies! I am so thankful that He answers his own way and own time! I'm praising Him with you!
Angela, YOU HAD YOUR BABIES!!! When I got your comment on my blog I thought - OH SHE MUST HAVE POSTED A BLOG ABOUT HER BABIES and I got all excited to come over here.
What an amazing story you shared! I'm in awe at God's protection for you and Isabel and Elliana. Can you believe it? Wow.
I can't wait to see more pictures.
Congratulations Angela and PRAISE GOD!!!
Love ya.
First of all congratulations (times 3 - 2 babies and a God miracle).
Thank you for stopping by and saying hello, giving me the opportunity to stop by and meet you and your family.
This is a beautiful post and I am so excited for you.
Stacy is such a sweet sweet girl and my sister through Christ. Im glad you found me on her blog.
Stop by again and say hello from time to time... look forward to reading about your new arrivals.
God bless.
Praise the Lord that HE knew! I just read this with my husband and we were both in awe of God's hand in the SAFE delivery of your sweet baby girls. What an amazing story that I'm sure will be shared for years to come!
Wow! I am visiting from Stephanie's blog and I am just absolutely amazed at your story! How awesome is our's just such a reminder that we must always trust in Him. Thank you so much for sharing this story and Congratulations on your babies!!!
Thanks so much for visiting our blog today! I really enjoy meeting other bloggers.
So your C-Section was a blessing in disguise. you're right, God knew! How great it is to be in the hands of an all-knowing father.
We would love for you to enter our giveaway for a $20 gift certificate for a vinyl decal from Janey Mac.
Thanks again & God bless!
A Heart for Home
Really amazing....Great post.
I enjoyed reading your blog...The blog world is so new to me...Hope you will stop by for a visit. I am posting on our Disney trip now and then on to a new grandson in two weeks..
Sitting here shedding tears of joy and amazement, I'm realizing, it's more of an extraordinary relief Angela, .... that, all is well. I know we pray, I know we believe, I know our God is faithfull but, when the rubber meets the road, I tremble. I am so very thankful, To God! I think of Psalm 61, " when my heart is overwhealmed, He leads me to the rock that is higher than I". He truly deliverd you and your precious babies! The infinite mercy of God surrounds us and hovers over us constantly but, when I read what happened to you, I got a glimpse how God truly saved you from death and spared your lives. It pressed me hard, and my words can hardly express the emotion, but, I guess suffice it to say, Victory triumphed and praise God I am forever greatful. I love you Angela. I wish I were there to give you a big hug, or help in any way, hold your babies and see your whole family, clean your house, anything. Actually, Anna and I are contemplating a little trip and want to visit you. If and or when that can happen, know I will keep you posted. Till then,
love and prayers,
..... Hear my cry O God, attend to our prayer.....from the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee.
Oh Dear God we Praise You! We Love you both so much,Praise God!- pastor Bill
Hi Angela, I have been peeking around your blog since last week and was so touched by this post I had to comment.
I am in awe, once again, of our God!! Praise His holy name!
With our eighth child, I was planning a VBAC (my first 4 were c-sections, next 3 VBACs) when I experienced an unusual pain in my lower abdomen. After much prayer and waiting we opted for a c-section. I was disappointed at first, with all the questioning if we 'missed God' somehow. . .when the doctor got in there he said it is so good we did this as I was 'paper thin' and could not have withstood labor. He barely had enough to stitch back together. We were in awe of God's mercy for not giving me what I wanted, but what was best. My next child was a c-section and every child (Lord willing)after will be also.
I just had to comment, I was so touched, I cried when yousaid they started before your husband was in, I cried hard at the next sentence when your eyes met. I cried at God's mercy for you and your precious family. I cried because we have an Isabel(la) hope. I cried because we want twin girls so badly. As you can see today is an emotional day ;-)
Thanks for sharing your story! Beautiful, just beautiful!
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