I am so honored to receive this blog award from my blogging friend September! I wish I could give it right back to her, because her blog, One September Day, is definitely among the best that I read. :-)
I "met" September in blogland last April through our mutual blogging friend Lynnette and her clever Getting to Know You idea, and I have been following her blog ever since. I am always encouraged by September as she shares her heart, her every day experiences, and her love for Jesus and her family. Even though I don't know September personally, I think of her as a friend. Visit her--I think you'll enjoy reading One September Day just as much as I do!
Here are the rules for this award:
1. To accept this award you must post it on your blog with the name and a link to the person who gave it to you.
2. Pass on the award to 5 other bloggers that you recently discovered and think are great!
3. Contact the other bloggers and let them know they have been chosen for this award
I'd like to honor the following 5 blogs with this award:
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
I started following Lynnette's blog back when she had only 40-some followers. Today, about 1 1/2 years later, she has 666 followers! There is a reason so many people read her blog: it's good! I don't personally know Lynnette; but, shortly after I had my miscarriage, one of her relatives whom I went to high school with told me about Dancing Barefoot thinking that it would be an encouragement to me--and it was! Lynnette's blog has a way of being entertaining and inspiring all at once. If you don't already "know" Lynnette, I hope you'll go meet her now. :-)
Raising Arrows
I "met" Amy the same way I met September--through Lynnette's Getting to Know You--and I sure am glad that I've gotten to know her! Amy is a Christian mom who seems to have a lot of practical knowledge in so many different areas: homeschooling, organizing, child training, writing, baby wearing, and more! Not only is Amy knowledgeable, she is also encouraging and easy to relate to. I always enjoy my visits to Raising Arrows, and I think you will, too!
The Flinn Files
Amber is my best friend (and one whom I know outside the blogosphere!), and I love reading her blog. Amber and her husband Tommy found out they were expecting their first baby just a few weeks after I found out I was pregnant with the twins, so we had the joy of going through our pregnancies together. Little did we know at the time, though, that Tommy and Amber were in for the trial of a lifetime. Their son Miles was born in early August with some issues that threatened to take his new life; and though by the grace of God they are now beyond the threat of losing their son, Tommy and Amber are still in the midst of some trying circumstances regarding Miles' health. The Flinn Files is the record of Miles' life and of Amber's introduction to motherhood. I hope that you'll visit Amber, meet baby Miles, and pray for them. And I hope that their story will cause you to sing praises to our great God!
Our Family...One Sweet Day at a Time
Abby is another blogging friend whom I know outside of the blogosphere. I like Abby's blog because she keeps it real--and because she shares cute little stories and pictures of her sweet baby girl Adelyn. :-) Adelyn and our baby Ande whom we lost to miscarriage were due within days of each other, so I always enjoy looking at her and thinking about how we could have had a child that age, that size, doing and learning all the same things. I like that Abby's blog is called One "Sweet" Day at a Time--that's the perfect word to describe her! :-)
Eternal Outlook: Travis' Blog
I love Travis. (Of course, I do! He's my husband!) One of my favorite things about Travis (besides his handsome looks and his manly work ethic :-)) is his godly character. Like the name of his our website indicates, Travis has a way of keeping an eternal outlook on life, and he always encourages me to do the same. With a wife, four children, and a great job, Travis doesn't have a lot of extra time to blog. But when he does, you can bet it will be encouraging. I hope you'll visit Travis' blog and meet the man you sometimes read about here on mine!
Thanks Angela! You are very kind! I miss you!
Awww, you're such a sweetie! I love your blog too! :)
And thanks for the double congrats...does that mean I'm having twins?? lol
Thank you Angela! How cool to know that you met September and Amy through me. They are both personal friends of mine. :) September and I met about 11 years ago on-line and we're planning our first real getting to know you face to face. I'm SOOOOOO excited! I can totally see why you love her, I do too. She's totally lovable!
I don't pop by here NEARLY AS MUCH as I want to, but I do think you're great Angela and have enjoyed my many visits here in the past.
Thanks for the award.
Love you.
you are so sweet :) thank you!
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