Today's measurements confirmed all this growth! Isabel, who was 3 lbs. 15.8 oz. and 17 3/4 in. long at birth, is now 8 lbs. 6.5 oz. (5th-10th percentile) and 20 1/2 in. long (3rd percentile); and Elliana, who was 5 lbs. 10.2 oz. and 18 in. long at birth, is now 10 lbs. 2.0 oz. (25th-50th percentile) and 22 1/4 in. long (25th-50th percentile)! Both girls are growing faster than the normal growth curve and are reaching developmental milestones right on schedule. (In fact, my little Isabel has already rolled over from tummy to back!)
I'm finding that it's exciting to watch my children grow. While it would be fun to keep them as babies forever (okay... maybe not forever...), it's also fun to watch them learn and develop and discover their world. I've heard parents of older children say that each new age is more fun than the last, and I'm beginning to see where that could be true. As I've begun to accept the new reality that Travis and I are most likely done having children (see this post), I find myself somewhat excited to move into the next stage of life. This past Sunday I was watching one of the "grown up" families in our church, and I thought to myself, "How rewarding it will be to one day fellowship with and worship alongside my grown children." It was like looking at the eventual fruit of all the work that goes into having a young family. And it was like God was showing me through the simple sight of a mature, godly family that it's all going to be okay. I may not have more babies to look forward to, but I have so much to look forward to with the beautiful family He has already given me.
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