Abel: Ummm... it has tomato juice in it.
Me: What color is it?
Abel: Red.
Me: And what does it feel like?
Abel: Hurt.
Me: Hurt? What does that mean?
Abel: If you don't like it, it gets hurt.
Abel has become quite the problem solver. Often when I give him a reason why we can't do something that he asks to do, he comes up with a "solution." Following is just one example of his problem solving skills.... (*Note: Amariah has a pair of sandals that light up when she walks.)
Abel: Mommy, can we go to the park?
Me: Not tonight, honey. It's already dark.
Abel: Well, we could take Sissy's shoes--they have lights on them....
Kids are so much fun, Noah is becoming very conversational as well. I love the new banner you have across the top of you blog. Mary is working on one for me with multiple pictures until I can figure it out myself (or have the time)!
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